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Niki Pilkington

Which is your fave? Swipe to see the options..I think mine is 2..or 1 maybe?! 🎨 After a week for feeling rubbish, painting these little colour combos is so therapeutic (& about all I can manage without feeling 🤢) hope your weeks been good lovelies XO

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Niki Pilkington

Heyyy Witches! Want to create one of these neon pumpkins with me? Head to my blog (link in profile) & follow my tutorial. I’d love to know what you think & tell me what tutorials you’d like to see next 🎃💕

Niki Pilkington

Behold, my resting witch face 🧙🏼‍♀️🎃 You’ve been asking for tutorials, so just in time for Halloween I’ve painted a pumpkin & I’ll be sharing a step by step tomorrow! Be sure to turn on post notifications so you don’t miss it☝🏼Can you guess what my design is going to be?

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Niki Pilkington

It’s been AGES since I’ve painted a new map. Where should I paint next? 🌏💕
This guy is available in my shop in lots of sizes ⚡️

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Niki Pilkington

I’m usually an aisle girl, but I think I’d scoot over if this was the view ✈️ 👀
💕This print is available to pre order in my shop & get FREE SHIPPING for a limited time 🙌🏼

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Niki Pilkington

Or diwadd 😅 Here’s one for my Welshies 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
I felt like there were enough ‘Friyay’ ‘Frinally’ images out there, we needed a Welsh version.

I hope you like what I came up with💕
For those of you who don’t speak Welsh, Dydd Gwener translates to Friday, but the word Gwên also means smile (so in my mind that’s essentially ‘smile’day..) 💫
Happy Fri(smile)day everyone 💋

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Niki Pilkington

🦋💕✏️What should I draw next? I’ll send you a print if I choose your suggestion! 💌 (Creep back through my feed to watch the video of me painting this) 👀

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Niki Pilkington

What’s your fave yellow emoji? Mines got to be..

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Niki Pilkington

🌈 TAKE YOUR DREAMS SERIOUSLY🌈 p.s I’d quite happily paint these tiny neon rainbows allll day long. Should I paint a bunch to giveaway?💌Would you want one?

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Niki Pilkington

A little reminder that you can do anything 🐖💫💕
(FYI I’ve just added a limited amount of prints of this to my shop!)

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Niki Pilkington

Whenever I come home to Wales, people always ask me what it’s like living in LA. There’s obviously massive differences between little old Wales & my sunny life in LA 🇺🇸 but I’ll be honest, nothing will ever beat being home, surrounded by my favorite people & gorgeous homeland.
So this is for you Cymru. Caru ti i’r lleuad ac yn ôl (love you to the moon & back). This print is available in my shop (link in profile) & I’ve just added is to my free wallpapers, which you can find in my 📲 story.

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Niki Pilkington

Sometimes the mess I make painting is prettier then the actual thing I’m painting 🎨💭

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Niki Pilkington

I’m home in Wales right now to stock up my UK retailers, which means lots of panads ☕️welsh cakes 🍪& much needed family time 💕 It also means catch ups with the @tanyawhitebits team 💥 
This👆🏼is the latest artwork I painted for a new label we’ve been working on 🌺Getting that gorgeous neon yellow to print right is tricky, but we’re working on it & will have new products to show you very soon 💖 (& some giveaways too!!)
Who else is in Wales right now? Where are your fave places you think I should check out?

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Niki Pilkington

I love making sure every print that goes out of my studio is sent with the most care & attention possible. Thanks to all you lovelies who have ordered one. I love knowing where everyone calls home. I’m only going to be doing these custom maps for a couple more days before I travel. If anyone wants to grab one just follow the link in my profile 💖

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Niki Pilkington

For a limited time (probably 3 days!!) I’m customising these large prints for FREE! Link in bio to get your hands on one before their gone 💕 Where would you put those little gold hearts?

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Niki Pilkington

Life hack: If you hate Monday’s, surround yourself with neon rainbows & roller boots & you’ll be just fine🌈🐬✏️💕⛸⚡️ (oh & coffee & puppies & cake, but they wouldn’t fit in the shot 🤷🏼‍♀️) What are your tips on getting through yucky Monday’s?

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Niki Pilkington

The only thought that crosses my mind when I’m invited to any kind of physical activity💅🏼💔 Manicured hands up if you can relate 🤚🏼


Niki Pilkington

Does it come in pink & red? 💋💗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Ok, so this looks like THE most matchy matchy set up ever, but this was a total accident💥On my way to the framers & lucky for me my insta hubby was at hand as I yelled (& swerved off the bike path), ‘Stop! Me, my shoes, my jacket, my work, the wall, I match EVERYTHING’. Thanks @johnnybudden for always being patient & putting up with my coordinating weirdness 📷❤️💗

Side note..rolling up artwork curbside is a lot harder then you’d imagine.