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Niki Pilkington

Usually my feed is a place for positivity, rainbows & neon fun, but my heart is heavy & I can’t ignore what’s going on in the world right now, none of us should. This is everyones problem. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

For 8 years I called America home & my white privilege meant that I NEVER feared for my life at the hands of the very people who are supposed to protect us. Black people can’t say that. I’ve never felt disadvantaged because my skin is a certain colour. Black people can’t say that. I will never know what that feels like to be judged purely on the colour of my skin. ⠀⠀⠀
I don’t agree with the devastation that is occurring during the rioting, destroying the communities & businesses of so many hard working minorities, the very people that have endured so much racism, but I DO understand that it comes from a place of desperation & anger, from being ignored for far too long.

Dear white friends, we must do more.
🖤If you stay ‘I’m white, this doesn’t effect me’ you’re part of the problem.
🖤If you say ‘It’s only happening in America’ you’re part of the problem.
🖤If you’re not ashamed of the actions of racist white people, you’re part of the problem.⠀
🖤If you don’t feel uncomfortable as hell watching the news right now, you’re part of the problem. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
🖤If you stay silent, you’re part of the problem.
No matter the colour of your skin, we all have a responsibility to fix this mess that’s gone on far too long. Racism should never win. I stand with you ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻

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